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Contact and Directions

The Priory (K-12) & The Prep (K-6)


Queen Emma Preschool

Honolulu, HI 96817

School Operations - 224 Queen Emma Square

The following offices are located at the downtown campus (224 Queen Emma Square):
  • Admissions Office - The Priory, The Prep, and Queen Emma Preschool
  • Advancement Office - Fundraising
  • Business Office - Tuition and school lunch payments
  • Facilities
  • Health Aide


For student records, academic reports, enrollment verification, and withdrawal requests, contact the Registrar's Office. 
Request for transcripts can be made here.
Request for report cards and test scores can be made here.
Ph: (808) 532-2416
Communications and Media Inquiries
All news stories, videos, and photos are created and managed by our Marketing & Communications Department. All media inquiries should be directed to: Camille Michel, Director of Enrollment and Communications.

CAMPUS MAP (Downtown Campus)